Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." (Henry Miller) (Entry 29, Day 12)

Wednesday, 5 June, 2013; 10:06 PM; hotel room

Today confirmed in my mind one thing above all else: I am never going to look at stairs the same way again.  My quads will be aching for at least a week.

Other than that, today's trek was really cool.  We got to see Machu Picchu for the first time, which has, perhaps, the coolest view ever.  It's all jagged mountains around the city - though the trail we were on was fairly flat (especially for the Andes, where 'flat' means 'rather hilly.'), it was probably the only place in the general area (not counting the terraces/ Machu Picchu) that was like that.

I hate to be so atrocious about writing today, but I'm exhausted.  Will try to make up the page count tomorrow (I don't know how well that will work, but I'll try).

(P.S. Miguel tried to tell me that the other part of the meaning of life was sending James a sweet text, and buying him a t-shirt instead of gloves.  Or a bottle of Pisco.  Or something.)

(P.P.S. My second pair of sunglasses died on the trek.  It was very disheartening.  I'm going to have to get new ones anyway, but I've had really shoddy luck with sunglasses for the past three years.  I doubt it's going to let up at any point in the near future.)

(P.P.P.S.  Will include details of tomorrow.)

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