Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 27: the end is nigh, but not my wordcount

NaNoWriMo will be drawing to a close in a few days, and my plot line may or may not be doing the same thing.  My word count, on the other hand, is in dire need of help.  I am at fewer than 40,000 words, which is something that, in years past, I have hit by the 20th of the month.  This is not acceptable, and I need to go and write.
But do I have enough time to his 50,000 words in four days?  Not only that, do I have enough plot?
Well, yes, I do.  A paladin just got possessed by a demon and there is still a showdown to be had.  I don't know if I can fit a hero's journey into this; I just want to hit my word count.
And so I must write.  And write. And write.

And I need to do homework.  And write.
But homework first.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 21: in which hope for my wordcount is rapidly receding

Well, it's day 21. I should be around the 35000 word count now, but I'm still sitting morosely at 30750, and I'm not happy about it.  I'm not happy about it at all.
I should be studying.  I should be writing.  I should be doing whatever it is one does on breaks... I don't really know what that is, but I should be doing it.  I have readings and translations and tests and projects starting on Sunday night, and it's not okay.  I thought break was a time to relax, for goodness sake.
Or to catch up on all the stuff you've been missing.
Or to do something productive, like catch up on your novel's word count.
But no, I'm sitting here, blogging, and wishing I didn't have such a crap word count, and so much homework due by Tuesday.  I'm realizing how much I complain about this, and how little I actually do something about it.  It's not like I can't do anything about it, for goodness sake.  I'm an autonomous individual, or so society would have me believe.  Even if I say I'm leaving to do something productive, I normally just goof around for a while before I actually make any headway in anything.
Which kind of sucks, when you think about it.  Just being a goof all the time.  It gets nothing done.
It doesn't help that I have commissions due, too.  Yep, I have to knit four scarves in three and a half weeks, because it's not like I don't have a ton of stuff already.

Right, I really need to stop complaining.  I took my leave today and yesterday - I hung out with my friend earlier today and my boyfriend before that; yesterday, I didn't actually get much homework done and pranced around my empty hall with a friend, singing Christmas music at the top of our voices and not caring that it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet, and posting random videos on our other blog, and doing stuff of a highly nonproductive nature.
It was great.
But now it's time to work.  The funtime has ended, and it's time to actually do something.  Time to stop trolling along online and not writing or studying or anything.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20: I'm behind! :(

It is the 20th day of NaNoWriMo, and my word count is wretched. I hit 30,000 words last night, which was supposed to happen on Sunday.
On the upside, I will be leaving for Thanksgiving break tonight, which I'm thankful for.  Though I have break work - a project, a reading, and general studying - I'll be glad for the chance to get some actual sleep and some time to write.
If the concept of a 'break' will let me - haircuts, doctor appointments, seeing friends, and the like.  Sometimes I wonder why it's called a 'break' when really all you do is do all the stuff you should have done at some other point, but now actually have the time to do it.  Maybe I just won't do anything fun at all, and study the whole time.  I could live with that, but I don't think my mom could.  She would... it wouldn't be pretty.

Anyway, I'm off to lunch now, but afterwards I WILL work on my word count.
And pack.

In all, I'm glad Thanksgiving break is on its way.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 16: Over the hump

Well, for better or for worse, it is November 16th, which means we are now slightly more than halfway through NaNoWriMo.  I still need to write today, but, according to my calculations, I need to write around 8 pages (around 3000 words) per day if I want to get to my desired word count goal of 60,000 words.  I do not know if I can pull this off, but I can try.  I nearly did it my first year - I overestimated how many words I could fit on a page, so I set myself the task of doing eight pages a day every day.  I should catch up, if I actually set time aside for myself to do it.
But there comes the issue of whether or not I have enough Plot to reach 60,000 words.  I hope I do; I hope, at least, I can hit 50,000 words.  But my three main characters are about to enter the city of Genesis again, wherein all hell is going to break loose (metaphorically.  That actually happens later.  Maybe.), and then the showdown is going to happen.
I may, to pad my word count, send Storm through the Hero's Journey.  There happens several things after the Showdown during the Hero's Journey, so that can help a lot if I need more words.  If you want to check out the steps of the Hero's Journey, I found a good link here.
If I had to point out where Storm was right now, she'd probably be somewhere in the Road of Trials and Atonement with the Father.  I don't know whether to include the Meeting with the Goddess or the Woman as a Temptress - I don't know whether they are going to be actually relevant to Storm.  Maybe they will.  Maybe they will not.

I guess Storm needs to have more inner turmoil or something.

Will work on that.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 14: close to halfway?

Right, I'm not doing my stats, because I have no time and a test tomorrow.  I did write and go to the gym today, though, and I am kind of glad I did.
Anyway, I am reaching a bit of a roadblock on how to get the three main characters into a walled, heavily guarded city that does not allow half-elves (because the guy who runs the place is a butt); it is on the edge of a cliff and the only way in at present is a hole for rotten food and other things that my main character does not want to climb through for a second time.  The way in should preferably somehow get them into the dungeon and/ or a torture chamber; using legal means is preferable but not entirely necessary.

What I have noticed during NaNo is that prime study time and prime writing time are the same time.  Though I am NOT neglecting my studies (entirely), I'm sometimes faced with the choice of study now and get really frustrated with my word count later, or breeze through my word count and push through homework later.
So far, the second option seems to be working out better, from the two or three times I have done it.

And I have to go now, but I'll be back... tomorrow.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12: I don't know why I do this anymore

The motivation behind the title is merely a wondering about my sanity.  I am not wondering why I do NaNoWriMo; I am wondering why I bother trying to do 2,000 words a day when I obviously cannot keep up with the word count I want to keep up with.  I have a test tomorrow and another one on Wednesday, and a take-home test due on Wednesday as well.  Projects for Intro to East Asia are going to be due soon after Thanksgiving Break.
And I always have to study and go to the gym before I can write.  And in the moments when I could be writing, I am doing something completely arbitrary - Facebook, Twitter, the like.  I should have my notebook with me.  I should be writing.  I should be.
But I am not.
I am ahead of the NaNoWriMo predicted word count for today, which is good.  But I do not know about what I am going to for the rest of the week.
For the rest of the month.

Welcome, my friends, to Week Two.  This is the first time when the Week Twos have hit me hard; I think it is because this is college and my arbitrary interest in things other than writing has increased because of the increase in afternoon time.
Maybe I should just write first and do homework later.
I honestly have no idea.


I need sleep.
And snacks.
And a better word count.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A non-nano post

I know I normally wouldn't go into religion on a writing blog, but I kind of want to get this out.

Something I never understood about faith in general is why so many churches preach hate.  I have been fortunate to grow up in a church that teaches love, and to find a similar one when I got to college.  But what irritates me is why some churches try to work the meaning of God's word to fit their own fears.
They wouldn't say it like that, of course.  They would probably say they dislike something because God dislikes something.  But that gets into the question that has been going on for a while now ("a while now" meaning "since Plato's time;" yes, he did do some dialogues on it): is something good or bad because of God's opinion on it, or does God form an opinion because something is good or bad?  Is something good because it is favored, or favored because it is good?

That gets, very indirectly, into the second part of a tangent.

I have noticed that in more than one system's writings that a big part of following the faith is doing good stuff - serving your faith in whatever form it presents itself, and showing love to all.  In at least two religious writings (the Bible and the Daodejing, and probably others as well), there is the extra stipulation that you should do good stuff, but do not be obvious about it.  Give what is yours in moderation, and not what you have an excess of.  The scripture that was preached on in church this morning was the story of the widow who gave two coppers to her Synagogue, which was basically all she had, and Jesus favored her more than the super-rich guys who gave in a whole lot because they had a whole lot.
That is not to say that you should not give what you have an excess of.  You're probably not going to use it anyway, so why not give it?  But also give something that you do not have a lot of - money, time, or something else - and do not expect it to be returned.  Do not tout yourself as a good person because you gave away something you had a lot of.  Do not tout yourself as a good person at all.
Just give what you can, and God will notice.

Why, then, is there so much hate in faith?  Many times it is said that you need to love, serve, and give, and you will be favored.
That is the bit I try to live by, and that is the bit I hope is the thread in more churches than just my own.

Day 10: where it's not Day 11 until I say it is

Yes, I know I'm posting at around 1:00 in the morning on a Saturday night... this is because, surprisingly, I actually have a life on weekends now.  Go figure!

Anyway, stats:

Start Page: 41
End Page: 48
Plot Point: the paladin got possessed by a demon, and now (after the expulsion of said demon), they are all arguing about the ethics of trap-laying for poor, defenseless rabbits who do not know what is coming.  The paladin is arguing that traps are completely unethical and should be done away with at once; the bard, frankly, is glad for the food, because she barely ate the day previously; the rogue/ fighter is the one doing the hunting, so she's just using what she has deduced as the most effective trap in order to get what she needs to get to.

I guess a good way to get your characters' opinions out is to get them to talk to each other.  Storm and Melody talk to each other, with some civility.  Melody and Eden talk to each other, with Eden being the pushier of the two in the conversation.  Eden and Storm talk to each other with civility increasingly absent from the proceedings.  See?  OPINIONS FORMED THROUGH OBSERVATION.

Like my opinion formed through this observation: I have observed that I am tired, and I would like to get some rest, because the last two times I stayed up until 1:00 and actually had to wake up the next day, it did not end well, because both times were for class (well, I mean, the first time was when I was finishing a novel, so I feel justified, but I still did not have fun being tired all day and not being able to take a nap because I had to do homework.  I don't remember what the reason was for staying up until 1:00 on a weeknight was, but I remember I did not like it).

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9: FRIDAY!

Start Page: 37
Current Page: 38
Target Page: 42
Pages In Between: 6
Place In Story: I should really leave this one out, because I really don't know how this relates anymore.

Anyway, I am really glad it is Friday.  It means that I only have to do a few things homework-wise (Greek, start an East Asia project, and do some readings for FYEC before I over-procrastinate and have them take two hours on Sunday night when I could be writing), and it means Doctor Who is tonight, and it means I can write. YAY!  I am determined to go and actually write stuff today.  I am NOT going to procrastinate... any longer.

I'm probably going to post later, when I've actually gotten stuff done.

In other, academic news, I have the following advice for seniors in high school who are going to be in college soon:
If you are doing a group project, do not procrastinate.  It will probably drive down the quality of your project (but honestly, I thought our presentation today was pretty well done, especially when we saw another group's and considering we worked only this week on it); but, more importantly, it will drive your stress levels through the roof and will drive your sleep hours down into the bare minimums, which is not good on a lot of levels.

I mean, our teacher liked the presentation, but my groupmates only got two hours of sleep each (one had rehearsal and one was sick, and, for some reason, I was the only one who bothered to use the afternoon hours to do anything.  I think they had class and stuff during the afternoon, though, so that's understandable).  I got more, because I didn't actually help put it all together... oops...

Anyway, don't procrastinate, especially not on things of high importance.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7: when the going gets tough, the tough give history lessons

Start Page: 29
Current Page: 32
Target Page: 36 (but, honestly, I'm not going to get to page 36 today, even if I sprint for half an hour)
Pages Between: 4
Location in Plot: I don't even know. I'm sending them to Old Genesis, because that's what they're calling it, because it's the ruins of the city that used to be Genesis before Genesis moved because of some catastrophe that I have yet to come up with.  I have no idea how this relates to the idea of "trumping Jericho," but right now, I just wanted to send them to a ruined city, so I did.  I'm the author.  I do what I want.

Anyhow, I guess today's lesson, kids, is to be willing to fly by the seat of your pants, because sometimes it's crazy fun to do it and can result in something kind of cool, even if it's really confusing and has no apparent connection to the overall goal of what you're trying to do.
I'm still waiting for the 'fun and will be relevant in the future' part of it.
I'll wake up and do it tomorrow morning before East Asia.
I still can't believe my friend is 2,000 words ahead of me.
Actually, I can.  I should be where she is right now.  I'm ahead of the NaNo suggested word count, but that by no means says I'm on track for where I want me to be.  I need a free Saturday or something, except free Saturdays are not a thing.  They're for sleeping and doing laundry and homework (yes, I'm weird, I do homework on Saturdays.  When else am I going to do anything worthwhile academically?  I'd get nothing done otherwise).
Anyway, I need sleep.  I'm determined to catch up to her.  This needs to happen, if only for my own peace of mind.  Right now, I'm kind of in panic mode because I feel like I'm failing at NaNoWriMo.  It is only partly to do with my friend's word count.  She's at 14,770.  I'm at 12,000.  I normally write 2,000 words a day, which means she is farther ahead of me than I would like, and I am not okay with this.  I am not okay with it at all.
Time to re-work how I write and when I do my homework.
But not right now. I'm too tired right now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 6: Behind :P

I seem to be doing a lot of my writing after 9:30...


start page: 25
Current page: 26
Target Page: 36 (that'll put me at 13000-ish, because I like trying to be ahead)
Pages done today: 1
Pages to Write: 10
Location in Plot: Storm has beaten up some Robin-Hood type thieves and she and Mel are going to some ruin place to do stuff.  They might meet Eden there.

Maybe the reason I've been so behind on my personal word count goals is because I usually try to write in the evenings, and the evenings are when I am most liable to procrastinate.  Of course, my roommate and all of my Wrimo friends are closely monitoring the polls in a different dorm, so I've got the room to myself, which is a perfect environment for writing and finishing up homework... and going on Facebook and blogging.
I need to work on that.

Of our friends, I'm currently ranked third out of nine, and, being slightly competitive as I am, I want to bring my word count up PRONTO.  At least the competition is motivating me to actually write.  I don't think I would want to push myself to write every night if I didn't have the shame of not doing well at NaNo and being an English major weighing over my head.

But anyway, I'm off to write. Farewell.

Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNo Day Five: Back from Tour Behind

Current Page: 21
Target Page: 30
Pages Today: .5
Pages Left: 9
Location in Story: unprecedented argument between crown prince and villain, in an attempt to discern why, exactly, the villain doesn't like half-elves.  Apparently, he doesn't know, either, because he's not saying anything.

Got back from choir tour last night with a shot voice and reasonable word count.  I was on track to finish the month at 50,000, not 60,000 as I had originally intended, but it was good enough.
Today, however, I have 3,000 words to write, and for the first time, I'm not ahead of everybody else.  This is rather unprecedented, and I'm not sure I like it that much.  The competition is going to help some, but not getting my East Asia chapter outline until an hour ago (it's due tomorrow) does not help at all.  Nor does my vague restlessness or general sense of being unable to settle.  Can't go to the gym, either - have to go to 'desserts with the president of the school' later, which means I need to go and eat and be productive and look nice and stuff before that.  Grr.
Maybe I'll go now, and walk laps and read about China since 1945 or something.  I look like a total weirdo, but whatever.  I'm weird anyway.

Anyway, to the point of the blog: writing.

So far, the writing has been going... okay.  As I've said, I'm behind on my word count, which is surprising for me, but this is also college and I have also been on choir tour for four days and didn't have a lot of time to settle into writing.  I don't predict I'll be able to settle down into anything until late night for at least this week, but after that things should clear up.  I HOPE they'll clear up, anyway.
But plot-wise, I've changed a bit.  Melody shows more potential than I initially thought she would, and Storm is less aggressive (well, I also haven't given her anyone to fight yet, but I have given her a non-dungeon way into the city).  I've also made the prince an actual character, but he may just vanish until the end.  Except for a scene or two somewhere.
Doing NaNo in college is going to be a lot harder than doing it in high school.  I know that for certain.