Friday, January 31, 2014

On travel

Firstly, let me apologize that I have started writing this post at 10:30 PM on Friday, but better super-late on Friday than never, right?

Anyway, today's post is going to be a bit about traveling, as you probably guessed from the title.

As you faithful readers know (all two of you), I recently got back from a trip to Greece and Turkey, as part of a travel course. Half of it was choir tour, which was cool, and the other half was Early Christianity, which was also cool. The course was interesting because of the sites we went to; places like Delphi and the Parthenon have been on my bucket list since I was around 12.
(for those of you who want photographic evidence that yes, I was there)

Anyway, while being at the Parthenon was one of my favorite experiences of the trip, I think one of the more valuable experiences I got was how to deal with people. We were a varied group - extroverts, introverts, fraternity guys, sorority gals, fraternity gals (yes, hi, I do exist), people who are easy to travel with, people who have never left the US, and a bunch of other things that I don't feel like categorizing right now. Some people I didn't really feel like I could bond with; others were really nice but were solidly in another group.

This is not my first time out of the US; Greece is the seventh non-US country I've been to. (Canada, Guatemala, Switzerland, Italy, Peru, and Turkey are the others). I'd like to think that I've become a fairly decent traveler - there was a time in Switzerland where I was a jerk to everyone and irritated all the time, but there were a lot of factors going on in that (and do not attribute it to biology, because the trip managed to land on the three weeks I wasn't on my period); other than that, I think college has taught me a lot about how to work with people. 

But my college experience is far from over, and I don't think I've met every single personality in the world. This trip, however, has shown me several.

First is an extrovert that I didn't know how to handle at first. I've roomed with an extrovert before - I spent an entire year with that person in a fairly good and comfortable relationship, and we're still in touch though we don't room together. This extrovert, however, is constantly chatty - not necessarily in a bad way. Where I might write or think deep thoughts in order to process emotions, she talks aloud; my feelings are put down in pen, hers are put out . She's not necessarily a bad individual; the important thing to note here is that as an extrovert, talking is her emotional processor. It took me a few nights to realize that just because she was talking, she wasn't necessarily talking to me.
What I'm trying to say here is that a protip for introverts on working with chatty extroverts is that, unless their words are actually biting in nature, they don't really mean to annoy you. It's important for you to mention if you really need them to be quiet for a while; it may take a while to explain why you're so quiet or, like my roommate on the trip, they might have an introvert sibling and know exactly what to do when you ask for some head space.

The second major type of person I learned to work with is very vocal in her opinions. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to speak up when you don't think something is working with you, but sometimes I could hear her negativity very easily. When she sat down and actually talked something out with people, she was fairly reasonable about trying to point out the positives - even if the only positive she could find was something like "well, I'm glad I tried, now I know I don't like this food," or something. Protip for everyone: try to bring in the positive and the negative into an analysis of something.

The third kind of person I encountered regularly was similar to the second, but far girlier. The second had been in the army for several years; when it comes down to it, the second girl knows how to tough things out. This third girl does too, but I only learned that through talking to her. She once wondered why people think she's stuck-up and rich when she grew up on a farm and has had several jobs over the past few years, often working a few over the summer in order to supplement her tuition. She's hardworking, but not necessarily in the army-strong way. I think the reason she often gets mistaken for being in the 'sorority trope,' for lack of a better term, is in the way she presents herself. When I say she has a full face of makeup on, I mean that she rarely leaves the room without foundation, concealer, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lip gloss, and mascara. While I could easily learn a thing or two from her about how she get her eyeliner so damn precise, I think she's also someone from whom I learned a bit about self-presentation. People are going to make assumptions about you based on how you present yourself, and I'm glad that I realized that I present myself in about the way I want to be seen.

In all, I think this trip taught me as much, if not more, about how to deal with people as I did about ancient sites around the Aegean Sea. Both are important lessons.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Back in the USA!

Well, I've made it back from another reasonably good trip abroad.  I need to catch up on some posts on TravelPod (the blogging platform we used for class when we were in Greece and Turkey), but that should happen shortly - if only because the blogs must be completed by tomorrow night.  If you want to see what I was up to when I was doing the travel course, go check that out over there.  I have a link in my last post, I believe.

Anyway, now that I'm back, it's interesting to see the differences among cultures, and also the similarities.  Greece and Turkey obviously have more in common with each other than they do with the USA, in everything from length of history to kinds of food to even the coffee (there is a strong, bitter coffee in both countries that is served in a small cup with the dregs at the bottom; the Greeks call it Greek coffee and the Turks call it Turkish coffee), but that doesn't mean that there aren't things that are similar to the US.  For example, when we went out in a social context with some Greek high schoolers in Kavala, we did two rounds of bumper cars before going ice skating, and then we went for coffee (or hot chocolate, or alcohol in some cases).  There are hookah bars in a lot of places (particularly in Turkey, because that's a Thing That People Do).  Personally, if I go for hookah, I'm just there to talk to people; for me, the smoke smells good, but I don't want to inhale it too much.  I did try it a bit, just to say for sure whether or not I like it, and my conclusion is that the atmosphere is more my thing than the actual smoking.

It's hard to pick my favorite archaeological site, because we went to so many.  Going to the Parthenon was absolutely amazing, because it was something that I've really wanted to do since middle school.  One professor at our school is the director of the Agora excavation, and he was able to give us a behind-the-scenes tour of the place, which was also really cool.  Going to Greece especially was really cool for me: it's one thing to hear about these places in class; it's another thing to read about them in Ancient Greek; it's altogether a separate event to actually be there in person and to see each of the places that I've heard about so often.  My dad asked if I could check in with the Oracle of Delphi about the winner of this year's Super Bowl, but the Pythia wasn't around for predictions that day, unfortunately.

You may be wondering whether I'm going to be posting my journal here later; unfortunately, I am not.  Half of this is because we did so much that I just didn't feel up to writing a blog AND a journal for the entire second week.  The other half is that it turned into something that had more of my personal thoughts - things that I wouldn't want people to see (for example, off-the-cuff opinions of people that aren't the most flattering, because I was writing in the journal in order to vent off the negativity).  So, unfortunately, y'all are going to have to go check out my TravelPod blog if you want to go check what I was doing.

At any rate, it's good to be back in the US.  The trip to Greece and Turkey was a wonderful experience, but it's nice to not be moving around every few days.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Going Off On Adventures!!

As many of you may know, I'm going abroad for two weeks.  We're leaving tomorrow, and I'm SO EXCITED!!!  (If only because we're going to three cities I really want to go to).

Anyway, I'm going to be off the radar here at Writer in College, but I'm going to be blogging daily for a grade over here on TravelPod (that was the agreed-upon app for us to use).  I do have the Blogger app, but we may be so busy that it'll be hard to maintain two blogs and a journal while we're gone.  I'll still be keeping a journal, which I might post here, but I might not.  In the meantime, go check out TravelPod!

For now, it's time to put on the Packing Music, because... guess who still needs to finish a lot of stuff?  THIS KID!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Return for second Jterm

Well, I'm back at school now, if only for a week. We're here for the SIT DOWN AND LEARN STUFF time right now, but on Saturday we will be heading out to fly overseas. I'm really excited for that. Mostly because I get to go see Turkey again. Turkey's one of my favorite places ever. Aside from Peru.

The reading for the class is really quite interesting.  It's helpful to bring context to how Christianity has appeared in its early history. For example, there are a lot of philosophies that have some parallels within Christianity, and things like that. Also, the religious environment in those times was actually kind of interesting to read about it. Cults, for example, were not what we think of today. Back in the day, they were almost the exact opposite - you could follow any combination of those that help you with your own faith. This helped promote the polytheism. It's interesting to think that Christianity and Judaism were the outliers in this time. Also it's just kind it is interesting to think that yes, Christianity is growing around the time that the book is talking about, but it's not it's the dominant religion just yet.  It's not even the dominant style of worship.

The trip is finally coming together, or so it feels.  I'm really excited.  Most of class time today was going over what to pack and things like that.  Our religious studies professor (henceforth referred to as Dr. B) was very thorough, but our choir professor (henceforth referred to as Dr. R) pointed out in choir today that half his reason for this was that Dr. B used to head the Office of International Education - so he's seen all the lousyness that people can get into over things that they have forgotten and things like that.

Right, well, Dr. B has assigned homework, which I need to get to. Farewell!

Friday, January 3, 2014

On the New Year and Blogging and Stuff

So, as many of you know, it's 2014 now!  Huzzah!

With the new year comes new resolutions, and I am no exception to the habit of Making New Resolutions.  I'm also no exception to Failing by Day Two.  (I'm trying to be healthier, but I had chocolate this morning.  More than is healthy).

The resolution that is most relevant to the blog is the following:
I have resolved to blog more, and with some sort of regularity.  After giving it the thought of five whole minutes, I've decided that the best schedule - at least for spring semester - is to write two (or maybe sometimes three) days a week: on Monday and Friday and sometimes Wednesday.  It's going to be hard to pull this off in January, because I'll be in Turkey and Greece for three weeks, but I'm going to do the best I can.  I'll be typing a lot during the first week of J-term, and a lot of that will be for the blog.  Hopefully I'll be able to get ahead and do enough to last the whole three weeks!

The exceptions to the MWF schedule will during NaNoWriMo (wherein I will post daily... or try to, anyway) and whenever I return from abroad and decide to post my journal.  I should probably resolve to finish typing up my old Turkey journals, too, but that is for another time.

The other resolutions I have made, aside from Being Healthier (run more, eat more salads, etc) and Blogging More, are to knit more and find an internship for the summer (or a job for the semester).  I'm planning to apply to be an RA, but the applications don't open for another month or so. If possible, I'd also like to write more, but that's something that is somewhat a part of Blogging More.

So that's it for now. See you next week!