Tuesday, November 11, 2014

NaNoWriMo Day 11: Sisters, Secrets, and Plot Slumps

Current Day: 11
Current Page: 59
Target Page: 63-5 (I don't actually know how far I'll get on that)
Current Place in Story: Eva's sister, Clara, turned out to be a pretty nice individual.  Eva also may or may not have some jealousy issues because of that.  If she does, it would stem from how people treat Clara in comparison to how they treat Eva.  They're very different - Eva is short, picked on, "less able than other people," and eternally angry because she's different.  There's a vicious cycle with Eva of people not treating her well because of her attitude, and she has a bit of an attitude because people don't treat her well.  (It has gotten better, since she's gotten to leave and earn a reputation instead of being given one based on how much of a left arm and magical ability she has).  Clara, on the other hand, is tall, conventionally pretty, fairly compassionate, kind, well-liked, and treated well in the community.  Eva might wonder why CLARA got treated so well and she herself didn't, despite all efforts to act like Clara.  (Eva probably would have wound up not doing anything like Clara, which is probably why Eva is on the road and Clara isn't.)
I think Clara might have envied the independence that Eva garnered when she left.  Eva had a really good reason to leave, and it wasn't as if the town really wanted to have her around in the first place, Eva could go wherever she chose.  Clara finished her training as a healer in her hometown, and stayed in her hometown because she was the only one trained in setting bones and doing surgeries.  Clara really likes what she does, but she probably regrets not going out and about before deciding to stay - if only because then she could have learned more about healing with and without magic, and maybe gotten certified in a few other things.
Also, as a subtle sub-plot, Jasper may be a manipulative butthead and hexed all of Clara's apprentices.  Clara had promised herself that, once another person completed the training to set bones and do surgeries, Clara herself would take a years' leave to go out and find out cool things with her sister.  When Clara and Eva interact for the first time in a long time, Clara mentions that the person she had been training dropped out suddenly.  This might truly be due to a family crisis, but I might make it due to the fact that Jasper is manipulative and mean and possibly a sociopath.  Or a psychopath.  I still need to look those things up.

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