Sunday, November 3, 2013


Current Page: 15 (I will point out that this does hit me at approximately my target word count, but I digress)
Target Page: 16
Pages Written Today: 3.5
Pages Left: 1
What has happened so far: I began to write Myrtle's novel (kind of).  I do not have any names for any of her characters; if I did give them proper names, I feel like it would all get really confusing. I'm in novel-ception as it is; I'm not sure how many more levels down I want to go (that is a novel for another time; maybe you, dear reader, can write that one).  The characters who are irritable have calmed down a bit; the villain and the assistant are neither villainous nor cunning in their non-Archetype personas. I can work with this! (maybe.)
I'm glad that the structuring of the Players in Myrtle's novel is working out the way I want (was that sentence grammatically correct? I'm not sure). I hoped that they would turn out to be kind of a peanut gallery, frequently breaking out of character to comment on the novel itself. This is slightly confusing, but I have the magic of MULTI-COLORED PENS, so I can differentiate between what's in Myrtle's Novel/ real life and what is in the Player world.

An example of the Peanut Gallery is the following:

"well, what probably happened was that the ship blew up," the copilot concluded after a few moments of thinking.
"That's logical," said the pilot. "Shall we radio over and see what they want?"
"No." Marcus had regained his voice. "I mean really, in whose universe is this a good idea?"

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