Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14: tired, behind, and should be studying for Greek...

Current Page: 75
Target (at this point): 77 (two more pages... maybe? yes?)
Location in story: well...

I spent a lot of lunch texting my boyfriend about the best thing to sabotage about a ship (would it be more detrimental to the sabotagee to take out the navigation or the communications? Life support would have been a good option to hurt the crew and passenger of the King's Stiletto if it wasn't possible for them to land on a friendly planet in about two minutes - aka before the oxygen ran out). It turns out that I've planned out the backups for the ship better than I thought I did.  Either that, or theatre experience has trained me well for improv, because I may have been making it up.

Anyway, where I am right now in the story is trying to figure out where to send people now that the King's Stiletto has... barely been compromised.

I've also realized today just how much I've written about revolutions.  The only year that didn't involve a revolution was the first one, and that was almost preventing something that was... what's the opposite of revolution?  Not necessarily peace and harmony, but... since I based it on a video game, I'll just put it in those terms: BOWSER had captured the equivalent of PEACH and if the equivalent of MARIO wasn't out to save the royal family, there would have been anarchy that MARIO, LUIGI, and FRIENDS could not have controlled.

So... that's that. I have to do homework now.

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