Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Syllabi and suitcases

Well, I got back to school with little drama (the only drama was that my suitcase handle broke in the train station at home, and... well, I managed).  The last few days, however, are the usual amount of back-to-school stress - syllabi are handed out, and students begin freaking out about how much they have to do before realizing that, when spread out over every afternoon in the semester, what they have to do really isn't that much.
But one thing is.

See, I LOVE choir.  I really do.  I've been doing choir for eight and a half years.  I was in tears last night over it, because I might have to bid it farewell, at least for the semester.
The last concert is after finals are over - it's for baccalaureate (according to my computer's dictionary, this is some sort of farewell service of a religious nature held for the graduating seniors).  But it's after finals.  This would probably count as my last final, and therefore I wouldn't have to clear out until then, except for one small problem.
I'll have cleared out of the country a week before.  I'm going to Peru.

This presents a problem, which will hopefully be solved a lot of praying and emailing and maybe an auditing form (so I can take the class, but not for credit).  I really want to do both, because I'm not going to get another chance to hike Maccu Piccu (and if I do, it's not going to be when I'm a teenager), and singing is something that keeps me from going insane, even when the music is crazy (especially when the music is crazy).

I'll post updates when they come. I really want this to work out.

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