I'm an English major. Analytical/ comparison/ literary essays are a regular for me. I've only done a few so far, but I expect that will increase exponentially when I begin major classes. So far, the essay I'm happiest with was one I wrote for an honors class about the weaponry of King Arthur. Since you are here, you know that I write blog posts. These are an even split between things that interest me and things I'm trying to review. I'm still sort of new to doing reviews, so please bear with me as I figure out what I'm trying to do with it.
I do a little bit of journaling, especially when I'm traveling. My private journal is something that is never going to be posted here, but my travel journals will probably make an appearance.
With my personal fiction writing, I do mostly fantasy. When I write fantasy, I think in novel-length works but I often get slowed down by world-building and whatever really cool concept I have in my head. I tried a little bit of poetry in high school, and I'm not going to pretend that was good. (I'm not saying that because so many people have bad teenage poetry, I'm saying that because my over-emotional things went into a journal or into fantasy. Poetry didn't really factor into it.)

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