Tuesday, May 31, 2016

College is over/ the future of this

Well, I'm done with college. As proof that I was at graduation, here is your first view of my face:
Anyway, because I'm done with college, I am, by necessity of the blog title, done with this blog. Thanks, everyone, for an awesome four years. I know not a lot of my classmates read this, but whatever. I've graduated.
This begs the inevitable question: what next?
I want to go into the museum industry. I might start travel writing; I don't really know yet. I have a part-time job already, and it's great, but it's only in the evenings and I need something to do during the day. I want to work in museums for about a year, and then go to grad school if it works out that way. I don't know. For now, work.
And later, travel. Hopefully. I don't know.
But at this point, I no longer have things I'm qualified to write about, so I'm not going to blog for a while. If I start blogging elsewhere, I'll let you know. But there's a social media tab here somewhere, and you can find me there.