I'm back home for J-term break, and it feels sort of odd, if only because I have to try to start waking up earlier and I've been banned from watching TV all day. The college student in me is protesting wildly that this is not what needs to be done during any day that has no class. SLEEP IN! STAY UP LATE! WATCH A LOT OF DUMB PROGRAMS THAT I WOULD NEVER WATCH EXCEPT DURING A BREAK! That's what I normally do. It's what I did during winter break. It was great.
Now, however, I have to start getting back to a normal-semester sleep schedule, which involves actually getting out of bed before eight in the morning (I tried this morning, but I failed. My alarm went off during an interesting dream about swimming through outer space, so I turned it off and went back to bed. The dream was gone, though. It was very saddening). It also involves being productive for most of the day, and actually going over some old Greek notecards. I have yet to do the notecards - they scare me a little bit. It's a terrifying thought to go back to such a difficult language, but I'm going to do it. I mean, I already got the textbook, and I want to get some use out of it. I'd never know what I was doing if I was trying to translate it on my own.
Anyway, now that I have to actually start being productive, the lure of time off from classes is suddenly not as nice. I've gotten a bit bored of daytime TV. I've been out to exercise every day so far (and by exercise, I mean walking to coffee shops), but I'm done with walking to a Starbucks that's half an hour away. I mean, it's good for getting off your butt and to get something to eat, but I'm done with Starbucks for a while. I know the stereotypical writer-y thing to do is to go and write in a coffee shop, but my hometown only has one coffee shop that's not a Starbucks or a Dunkin Donuts. I have nothing against either of those, but it's getting monotonous to go to the same sort of shop to get the same sort of order again and again.
Writers in A-town: any suggestions?
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