Wednesday, November 25, 2015

So Much for Blog-a-day in NaNo...

Yes, I am aware that I haven't blogged a lot this month. My excuse is that I'm lazy, and also behind on NaNo word count, and also need to do a lot of other things like homework.
Do I plan on finishing NaNoWriMo this year? Absolutely. I may need to lose a lot of sleep and put off a tad bit of homework until after Thanksgiving break is over (NOTHING I CAN'T DO WHEN I GET BACK TO SCHOOL, MOM. I'VE WORKED THINGS OUT SO I CAN HANDLE EVERYTHING FINE, MOM), but I do plan on doing it. I'm just quite behind.
All right, very behind.
I need to be on page 145 today. I'm currently on page 127. I have a lot to write.
Personally, I think I can do it, I just need to work on it a lot. And not edit other writing when I could be writing on the train. And not posting blog posts when I could be writing on the train. And not having coffee with people when I could be writing.
A comforting thought (I guess it's comforting?) is that I was in a similar situation last year. It's easier to budget out two or three hours a day to write when you don't have three or four hours of class a day. Yes, I have obligations for work and family and exercise and cooking for Thanksgiving, but I also don't have to go to class, and I don't have as much homework to do because it's all papers right now. (Other college students would be freaking out about the number of papers I have to do, but I already had my emotional break this month. I know what I'm doing.)
So, in conclusion:
1. I have a lot of novel-writing to do.
2. I have a lot of essay-writing to do.
3. I have everything under control (MOM.)

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