This is the Second Day of Classes, and I'm already excited for the semester. I'm only doing one major-relevant class, so this semester is for my minors (and also Archaeology as a lab science, but that's sort of relevant to Classics).
First, I'm doing British Literature II, which covers the late 18th century to the beginning of the 20th. I'm mostly excited for this because the professor seems really cool. I'm mostly taking this because it's one of the required classes for an English major - this is not necessarily my area of interest. (Part I of British Literature covers approximately from Beowulf to Milton, and that was more my area of interest). Nonetheless, it'll be interesting to do a survey course again after taking several 300-level and honors English classes - I haven't done a proper survey course since freshman year.
I'm also taking Greek New Testament, which is exactly what it sounds like. I am EXTREMELY excited for this class; this is the reason I kept up with Greek for so long. (Well, I did also keep up with it so I could do the Classics minor, but I'M REALLY EXCITED FOR GREEK NEW TESTAMENT.) We're mostly doing Luke's writings - the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles. One of the major assignments in this class is to do an exegesis - a focused study on one passage from the Greek New Testament of our choosing. This includes translating the passage, comparing the major Bible editions (King James, Living Bible, etc) to find out which is the most literal translator and which best gets at the idea of the passage. We also have to pick one "very interesting word" to analyze - this could be "hamartia," for "sin" or "mistake" for example - and figure out how it is used and how other people used it. It's really exciting.
I'm also taking Archaeological Methods, which is essentially The Indiana Jones Correction Class. (not really.) We're studying the actual processes of archaeology: yes, killing scorpions is part of the job, but most of it involves digging and carefully cleaning and documenting everything and also trying to avoid bee stings and skin cancer. I'm really excited for this course.
I haven't actually had a class for Advanced News Writing yet, because it meets on Wednesdays, but I'm really excited for it as well. Hopefully, this semester we'll actually do some writing.
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