Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NaNoWriMo Day 4: a Slow Catchup

Current Page: 21
Target Page: 28 (to modify it because I'm behind, it's 24 or 25)
Pages Written Today: 4
Pages Until (modified) Target: 3 or 4
Location in Story: Eva is about to begin The Right and Proper DOING OF THE THINGS.  Involved in The Right and Proper Doing Of The Things is reasoning with a dragon, building the dragon's character, and eventually (hopefully by the end of the night) getting the dragon to consent to Eva building the icon anyway.  Right now, though, she's hanging out in the library and trying to find things on religious iconography.  I'm not wholly sure why I'm having her do that, exactly, but she's there and that's what she's doing.  I might have her look up in-world religious iconography to give symbolism to the stones they're putting into the unicursal hexagram.

Speaking of STONE SYMBOLISM IN UNICURSAL HEXAGRAMS, there will be some of that going on.  Unfortunately, I lost the bookmark that had all my character notes on it and the stones I plan on putting in, so hopefully I can find that before it becomes necessary.  Mostly, the stones have to do with balance of passion and energy.  I decided the fairy changed Galen into a dragon because of her religious order: the order is all about harmony, balance, and unity, and dragons generally are none of those things.

So far, though, Eva is still not showing any depth.  Well, she's showing a little ability to manipulate and talk through things, which I can hopefully use, but she's in more scenes than Galen and does a lot of things (or at least says a lot of things), but has no character development, aside from being resentful of her older brother.  Kind of.  I know what I'm doing with that, I just need to flesh it out properly.

Anyway, I still have an hour left, so BACK TO WRITING!

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