So this is the first Friday of Lent. So far, it's going pretty well, I think. I've run into a roadblock, though. Fortunately, it's only today (hopefully).
So one of my resolutions is to read the Bible a bit every day. This has been going as well as can be expected, I think. I normally read before I go to bed, and last night was no different. I did my read-then-pray/meditate shindig, and I put my bible in this bag that hangs from a device I use as a coat rack/ place-to-hold-bags-that-hold-books-because-my-bed-is-lofted. Well, that bag is now missing. I'm not sure where it went, but I know that it is no longer hanging up on the coat-rack-thing. I haven't taken it out anywhere, because I'm putting some fraternity letters on it but it's not done yet. Hopefully it'll turn up, but this is going to put me back a few days on devotions if it keeps up. (also, I won't have a snazzy new bag, but that's not the point).
Other Lent-related things are going pretty well. So far, I have succeeded in avoiding mindless games - and, as I expected, I am suddenly finding myself with a whole bunch of free time. (I'm still procrastinating sometimes, but it's productive procrastination. I'm not staring blankly at a screen, I'm crocheting and knitting while watching YouTube). I'm frequently the sort of person who says 'only five more minutes...' and winds up taking an hour, and the lack of games to provoke that has helped me realize that.
I've also been writing a little bit more as well. Not a lot - I've only done one creative thing and two journal entries since Lent began - but I did write a really weird contextual back story for the lyrics of "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles. It involves serial killers with face fetishes and church-based bounty hunters. (I didn't say that it was good, I just said it happened).
Well, those are all the updates I have for this week. Will write again on Monday.
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