Friday, October 25, 2013

NaNo Building - Episode 1: WHAT IS A PLAYER?

In an attempt to maybe motivate myself to try and get the rest of my NaNo universe sorted out, I'm going to post some mechanics of my world here.

This first installment covers what and who exactly the Players are.

Simply put, a Player is a person whose soul isn’t quite ready for Heaven, but the soul is nowhere near bad enough to go to Hell. If the person chooses, they can go forth and right their wrongs and eventually be redeemed. If they choose not to go forth and be redeemed, they will be doomed to roam the Earth as a homeless, wandering soul... *cue soul-wandering Purgatory legends, etc*

If they choose to be redeemed, they will be cast as an Archetype in 1,001 tales. The Archetype they are cast in is one of two things, depending on the lessons needed to be learned: first, the Archetype can be opposite from the person's personality in life, to show them that what they could have done; second, the Archetype can be similar to the person's personality in life, to show them what they were doing wrong. The first instance tends to be a Hero or Villain's Turncoat Sidekick; the second, the Villain or the Hero's Sidekick (turncoat or not).

That's the basic mechanics of who they are and the start of what they do. Next Time: how you get there and what your gender is.

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