H. Bingham - history professor
- looking for last refuge of Incas
Inkas built 100,000 km of trails
July 24, 1911 (scientific discovery)
Called it Machu Picchu - "Old Mountain" (after the mountain nearby)
Don't know the actual name of city
Wayna Picchu - "Young Mountain" (lookout place)
Machu Picchu - important for Jungle Conquering
- close to river - natural defense
~ 1,000 people living there?
Built bottom up
wall - urban/ farming
water - soul purification, not irrigation
16 fountains
respect environment, adapt to existing environment
Sun + water together as much as possible
Under sun temple - earth
Sun + water + earth
astronomy - temple of sun
summer - December; winter - June
aligned windows for solstice
3 levels of world - gods (condor), humans (puma), mummy/ dead (serpent
sacrificed animals and humans - women (fertility)
Andean priests - knew of solstices, etc
- had own house
- two floors
chose the most different girl in society (not necessarily prettiest)
- drugs - purify
- stone to head, cut stomach, put muña
- buried in fetal position
walls built with incline for strength
coca - has a lot of nutrients
passionfruit - seeds = number of thorns in Christ's crown
Wiñawayna - "forever young"
Andean Cross - solstice
- 3 levels - worlds
- hole - one empire
Audio conducting in houses - very good
Certain girls could only go out in public in certain situations?
Happy mountain! - Machu Picchu surrounded by impot mountain
Pachacutaq - Inka who built Machu Picchu - 9th Inka
Inkas - 300 years total (small --> big) 12-15th centuries - earlier, were a mix; came from Bolivia + PUno, looking for farmland, found sacred valley. REALLY ANDEAN SOCIETY. 16-18 century - colonial. 18th century - now - republic.
Llama bones found by sacred rock
Poo (llama, guinea pig, human) - fertilizer + fire. Used Jungle Toilet.
Andeans - short (5'0" ish?)
Juanita - frozen mummy - found near Arequipa
Condor - messenger god
mountains - holy
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