Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12: I don't know why I do this anymore

The motivation behind the title is merely a wondering about my sanity.  I am not wondering why I do NaNoWriMo; I am wondering why I bother trying to do 2,000 words a day when I obviously cannot keep up with the word count I want to keep up with.  I have a test tomorrow and another one on Wednesday, and a take-home test due on Wednesday as well.  Projects for Intro to East Asia are going to be due soon after Thanksgiving Break.
And I always have to study and go to the gym before I can write.  And in the moments when I could be writing, I am doing something completely arbitrary - Facebook, Twitter, the like.  I should have my notebook with me.  I should be writing.  I should be.
But I am not.
I am ahead of the NaNoWriMo predicted word count for today, which is good.  But I do not know about what I am going to for the rest of the week.
For the rest of the month.

Welcome, my friends, to Week Two.  This is the first time when the Week Twos have hit me hard; I think it is because this is college and my arbitrary interest in things other than writing has increased because of the increase in afternoon time.
Maybe I should just write first and do homework later.
I honestly have no idea.


I need sleep.
And snacks.
And a better word count.

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