Well, shifting gears slightly, I'm going to talk about college packing today.
In a word, it's stressful. It could have been worse, I admit; indeed, I could have pulled something like one of my best friends and not packed until the day I left. (why she did this is still a mystery to me, and I'm not sure I want to ask her about it. Apparently, her dorm room now has an abundance of shoes).
Anyhow, in all seriousness, I'm glad it's mostly over with. I've done the massive run to Target to get pretty much everything except a microwave (because of school regulations, my roommate and I decided it wouldn't be worth it to get one), a TV (which my roommate has been assigned to have custody of, one way or another, since I don't mind either way), and a printer (which Mother and I could never decide on, so we're just waiting to see how well the library handles stuff before deciding).
Still, though, I have a few things to get, and most of them are clothing-related. Before I get all girly and dive into that, give me one second to do something else of an important nature.
a;weif w;oef aowenfow GOING TO COLLEGE ao;efijweo;aifjeow ;ijowaifjoiejwoiejfe CAN'T BELIEVE IT ao;ijwo;eifwa;oefjowaeifjowifjoweiajfow;ijfoiwj FEEL REALLY OLD.
Right, well, now that's over with, let us proceed.
So, what's in my trunk?
Cliff bars, Toblerone, flip flops, and personal hygiene stuff is what it comes down to. In the suitcase is all my clothing (except the stuff that has to get hung up, which Mother insists can't survive a two-hour car ride. I'm not complaining; there's barely enough room for the jeans I still need to get to fit formal wear and hang-up t-shirts in my suitcase).
So far, I have no advice to any incoming freshmen as to what you should or should not get. Just make sure you keep your head and think like a backpacker when you're packing.
In case you don't know how to think like a backpacker when packing, here's how:
1. take only what you need to survive.
2. If it can be shared, do.
3. when packing your trunk and/ or suitcase, rolling is your friend.
4. Don't take too much of anything in terms of clothing, except socks and underpants (okay, fellow backpackers would hate me for saying that. Usually, if it's more than you need, don't bring it).
5. If you think you can survive without it, you probably can.
6. If you can't, your parents can bring it during parent's weekend.
Today was my last day at work - and the last day at the dojang I've attended for ten years. In case I forgot to tell you (I'm pretty sure I did, but I'll tell you again), I'm a second degree black belt in tae kwon do and I worked at my dojang's camp for the summer. They're letting me off tomorrow because of final packing and such, and then Wednesday I leave.
Anyhow, to tie it all into writing, CATALYSTS ARE YOUR FRIEND! If someone is moving, that's a great way to invent relationships as you go, because so is your character, so it's all good.
Also, music is your friend too, especially instrumentals. Hans Zimmer is really good, for example (he composed the instrumentals for Madagascar 3, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Dark Knight, and the Lion King, to name a few). But anything that stirs your imagination, go for it. :)
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